You’ve probably heard the phrase “work smarter, not harder,” but how often do you have a good example of what that means, especially in cleaning? We sat down with someone who’s had to work out how to employ that very principle and is doing so successfully.
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About This Guest:
Kathy Riley
Vice President - Professional Maintenance
Kathy Riley is the Vice President at Professional Maintenance in Lubbock, Texas. Professional Maintenance has been in business since 1994 and specializes in commercial and medical cleaning. Because they pride themselves on providing quality services, Kathy and her team had to rethink some of their processes when it came to new budget cuts and shifting expectations at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in America.
We sat down to talk to Kathy about how she and her team managed the shift and high quality of service they deliver with these new challenges in front of them. The answer was simpler than you might think: work smarter, not harder. In our episode, we broke down exactly how they employed those principals while keeping everyone employed during a time of cutbacks.
Podcast Transcription
Halie Morris 0:00
Hello everyone and welcome to the Business of Cleaning podcast. My name is Halie Morris. I’m your podcast coordinator and host as always, and with me today, I have Kathy Riley.
I’m going to go ahead and let Kathy Riley introduce herself and tell us about her company as we roll into our topic for today. So if you don’t mind.
Kathy Riley 0:51
Hello Halie. Thank you for inviting me. I am with Professional Maintenance in Lubbock, Texas, the land of the Raiders. The Texas Tech Red Raiders are probably what everybody knows. It’s the middle of nowhere.
Professional Maintenance has been in janitorial cleaning for 25 years over here in the desert land, but we are going to talk today about the strategy of cleaning and the way things have changed.
Hopefully, we’ll help and maybe lead people into what we have seen. COVID-19 has changed everybody I believe, and everybody’s way of thinking. I think everybody has different ways of doing things now than we did a few months ago.
We have definitely looked at a lot of different ways to help our people. Discouragement, I think would be one of the big words we could use some people have had through these last few months.
I think we have to have strong leaders, and we have to make strong leaders out of our supervisors in order to make these next few months, and this next year work strongly. We have come across with our clients, what they’re really wanting is they want more work.
Don’t they always want more work for less money? I mean, that’s just what they want. Give me more work for less money.
What we have really found that we’re trying to put into work is to work smarter, not to make our people work harder. Work smarter, use a different scope of work. What I mean by that is we’re really trying to train our people to see dirt more efficiently.
Everybody says, how do you do that? What do you mean by that? Well, I think we do it in our everyday process. We just don’t notice we do it. But if you can teach them, as you walk by and you see the door panels on the bottom of a door. If you notice that they’re dirty, you wipe them, rather than wiping them every Tuesday or on Wednesday.
If we wipe them as we go, you keep that in a clean structure. It’s not something where you have to come back and have a once-a-month meeting over that you got dirty door panels.
Same thing for the areas of your window sills. Don’t do window sills on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Do them every day. We’re trying to teach our team to wipe as you go, to see dirt and wipe it but be smart.
We want to be more efficient in our cleaning. Why? Because you go do the high touch areas. Those are more important now than they’ve ever been and so as you’re going through a building, look at those high touch areas.
Wipe the light switches. Wipe the doorknobs. Wipe the sink handles and the toilet handles and the things people touch more than you ever have.
We’ve got to be smarter and to be smarter, we’re going to have to train our supervisors. Training is probably the most important thing you have to do right now than you’ve ever had to do. It’s always been important, but I think now is the most important time because you’ve got the COVID-19 Bear.
You’re trying to make it a healthy environment, which I think we’ve always cleaned for health. I know we’ve always cleaned for health in our own way, but now it’s more important than ever and I don’t think you can do that lightly, because people are looking for it.
But you’ve also got a job todo. You’ve got it’s labor, it’s money, and it’s time. So going into this, you’ve got to look at the areas. that people can actually see.
We had a customer the other day, and I know everybody has these kinds of customers, but as long as I’ve been in this business, Halie, very seldom have ever had anybody ask me to do-
I could do a job in two hours. I mean, I can do probably 4,000 square feet in two hours. Okay, that’s not too hard to do. I’ve never had someone ask me to do that job I can do in two hours in four hours. Right?
When you think about it if you knew I could do the job in two hours, would you ask me to do four hours? I know that’s ridiculous, but believe it or not, I had a customer the other day, and-
Shame on me. Shame on me for not listening better. This customer wanted that two-hour job done in four hours, but I wouldn’t listen.
She wanted the plants wiped down. She wanted the magazines wiped down. She wanted the chairs and legs wiped down. She wanted the arms wiped down. She wanted the cords moved around and wiped under. So she wanted detailed cleaning in every room.
Well, I told her, since I’ve been in business, I’ve had very, very, very, very few people. I can count on one hand, asked me for detailed cleaning. Because all that means is labor. Detailed cleaning is labor. Most people want us to come in, wipe the high point places down, dust what we dust, sweep what we see, mop what we see, vacuum, and leave. In other words, cleaning and go.
That’s what they ask a janitorial house today because it’s money. It’s always money and so that’s what we were doing. Unfortunately, she wanted detailed cleaning, and we missed the point of what she wanted.
Of course, anytime you pay someone to come in there and pick up everything they’re moving and sweep under everything they’re moving, that’s twice the work. Which is fine, but not understanding what she wanted was a complete lack of me listening to what she wanted.
So that there again, you’ve got to understand and see what someone wants. Very seldom, I think you can ask any janitorial house out there, will you find someone that wants you to spend four hours when you can do it in two.
But this was a different kind of organization that had people coming in every day to the same room every day. She didn’t like them seeing certain things and these rooms were used in high capacity. She didn’t want things left behind. She didn’t want to see them. She was willing to pay that price.
Unusual, different, but that’s what we’re trained or should be trained to see if they request it.
Shame on me, but in the COVID-19 range of things, there we’ve got to be trained. People are watching us. People are watching you. It’s a different day where you can even have your day people if you’ve got day people working, where they can come out and wipe chair arms and they can wipe tabletops. They can wipe the door handles during the day.
It used to be that it was sort of annoying to people. You didn’t do that. Now COVID-19 has made it possible that you can actually go around and their customers love it. You’re cleaning during the day, you’re wiping the bathrooms. Oh, you’re doing that.
To them, that’s a blessing. They like seeing that you’re doing either extra cleaning, or whatever disinfecting that you’re doing during the day. That’s a blessing to their customers and that’s a blessing to them.
So there’s a lot of added features you can bring to your cleaning. That brings an added feature to you as a company that makes you look stronger. The thing strongest to your company right now is the benefits, any janitorial house right now is how strong you make your supervisors in the effort to clean smart, not harder, but smart and training your staff.
The better you train them, the longer you keep them. Anybody knows the longer you can keep someone you’re going to have better revenue. Turnovers are always great in a janitorial house. That’s just how it is. You always have high turnovers.
I think we’ve been very fortunate. We have about 125 regular employees. We have more or less than that at times, but out of the 125 we have on a regular basis, we’ve got about 30 to 35 of them we’ve kept over the last 20 years. That’s a pretty big ratio.
They want to clean toilets and that’s something that we pride ourselves on. They’ve stayed with us, but it’s because of what we do in our training and in our upkeep.
Something that BSCAI has put out there, that if y’all don’t know about, we trained 10 at one time on the new COVID-19 training they put outw. It was a three-hour course and all my supervisors took it. It was awesome and it was surprisingly easy. There were a couple of tricky questions in there and one of them almost got us, but it’s fun to take. It’s interesting.
If you’ve been in the business- I’ve been in the business 35 years with the chemical side and the cleaning side. So when you take those tests, it’s very interesting to see how much you really know. It had a really tricky question there.
Matter of fact, I’m probably going to ask how they got that answer because I still think the answer’s wrong. You know when you take those, you’re like, how did they get those as being right?!
So anyway, they had a good time. They took it and everybody took their own test. They got their certificate, and to some of our clients, I sent the certified certificate showing them that they were COVID-19 certified. I thought that was very impressive. BSCAI put that out on the web, to take that test.
So I think there are lots of things that you can add to what you’re doing right now to make you a stronger company, a smarter company, and help your supervisors grow so that they can help your people grow and want to stay with you.
I don’t know what other companies do in their training, their OSHA. It’s hard when you’re working and trying to keep people out there in that field. Like we are, busy, and they only keep three hours or this many hours to clean a building.
You try to pull them together to do an OSHA training or brief them on certain things. That’s hard to pull out of the field to do that. We try to do it every three months. If it’s five minutes or 10 minutes, we might do it on back training, “How to pick up a box” just to get them together.
Their supervisor might take pizza over there and just speak to them real quick about “hey, y’all know where the SDS book is, right?” Because there are turnovers, so he might bring that up. We always try to at least let them know we care.
When we do anything, whether it’s pizza, or they’re bringing something out there, they’re having to do something different. We always try to bring up a safety measure. At some point, or sometimes, they always know that they are on our minds. We remind them we always want them to empty that mop water. How many times have we gone by the mop water?
So we always try to bring up something that hopefully helps keep their closets cleaner, or themselves safer, whatever we can do. We do not let our day maids or day people mop bathrooms during the day unless it is a must, because of the slip and falls.
If we have someone call us because it’s a real bad mess or something, they mop it and they put all sorts of stuff up to keep people from walking in that room. Because there’s such liability of people slipping and falling.
So throughout the day, they might clean 10 bathrooms, but as far as sweeping and mopping it, we don’t unless we get a request. I know that sounds weird, but we just had too many slip and falls.
It hadn’t been on us. It’s usually on our client that takes the heat for it because we always put out the wet floor signs, but it’s been a crazy deal. Most of our customers have said unless you have to, don’t leave a wet floor during the day.
So, that’s just an ongoing thing with everybody. If anybody has any ideas on how to beat that, we’d love to know. I have a grocery store chain that put carpet in because of it.
In their stores, they have carpet because of all their slip and falls. $25,000 to $45,000 is your average cost with the slip and fall without a lawyer, then what do you do? That’s just pretty typical.
Halie 14:48
Yeah, no, people prove it.
Kathy 14:51
Halie 14:53
Yeah, you have the wet floor sign but they think they’re not going to be the person to slip and fall.
Kathy 14:58
Well anytime that happens, we get a call and we always get the maintenance person that’s on that floor or on that copier to go up there and 99%, the funny thing is, they’ll go up there, we haven’t even swept and mopped the floor so there’s no water, there’s nothing.
We always get this. We always get the stuff to back us and what it takes, but it’s annoying that it even happens, but it does. It’s just part of this game, unfortunately. I don’t know, I don’t have all the answers.
Making our staff smarter and smarter every year has definitely helped. Our staff used to not know what to do, they used to not. Every year our staff gets smarter. Every year. We give them more ammunition for what to do.
I don’t think it’s the products either, we basically use the same stuff we’ve used for 25 years. It’s the way we do things. It’s what we teach them and it’s how they do it, how they handle their sales, and the confidence we give them.
If that is one thing that you as a supervisor, you as a person, what you tell them and what you say to them, can put them on that confidence level that they need.
So many of our people come from so many places where they never knew they could mount to anything. That’s how they feel. And so that little bit of feeling like, “wow, I’m over this little area and that guy that just walked out of this room is gonna back me and they’re gonna tell him I’m right!”.
I think that means a lot to them. We try to let all our people know that we’re there for them. That this is what we need to do and we do it this way and we’re fine.
Halie 17:01
So I have a question. In regards to the way you do things now, has that been a change that you’ve made more recently? Or is that something that you’ve done longer-term?
Kathy 17:11
No, we had a big meeting with one of our biggest customers and they wanted to change the scope of work.
It was a really strange deal for us because they came to us wanting to change the scope of work to smaller and here comes good ol’ COVID-19 and “we’re like, smaller? What are you talking about?”
Most people want to lay it on us but they were wanting to cut out some of the scopes of work. We were just confused, we were like, “cut out some of the scopes?” Because we spoil people, we’re the company that goes the extra step.
Our floors look like glass. And if they don’t we make them look like glass. That’s just how we know it to be and are. So we had to restructure in order to, well, we didn’t want to upset anybody.
We still want to be known as Professional Maintenance. Wherever we’re at, no matter what we do. We want our work to be outstanding. When you have a customer come to you and say yeah, your work is outstanding, but we want you to layer back. Okay, and layer back means they don’t want to pay us as much either.
Halie 18:18
Yeah, the budget.
Kathy 18:20
Right! They want to cut the budget.
Well, cutting the budget doesn’t make us look bad. Now they’re gonna tell their people that they’re changing their scope of work. But who’s gonna take that look? We are!
So what if they’re telling their people, “they’re going to change the scope of their work,” We’re still going to take the impact of what it’s going to look like. Right?
So, we had to get together with our supervisors. So that’s where I took this approach. I said, “Guys, they’re gonna go in, they’re gonna tell all their people, we’re cutting the scope of work, and they’re going to give them a list of the scope of work”.
But you know what, I looked at that scope of work. And when they’re telling them, “oh, we’re only going to dust on every other week, and we’re only going to do this every other week”. That to me, that’s bull, that’s just bull.
To me, that’s gonna make the customers think, “Oh, it’s still gonna look good. They can do that every day”. See what I’m saying? They didn’t take away enough stuff to do and that’s why I was telling my staff we still got to do it. We still got to do it.
What they took away is bs to me. That’s how I looked at it, that buildings are still gonna look good or it’s gonna look bad on us. Because they didn’t say yeah, they said we were gonna we usually strip and wax daily. In most of our buildings, if they need it, we do it. That was our deal. They wanted us to do it twice a year.
We’ll probably stick to their protocol floors but we’ll buff and we need to and we need to try to keep it the best we can. But their Dusting concept and stuff that we’re gonna have to do.
We live in West Texas. So what I’ve told my staff is, I want them to do it more in a daily manner, do it as they go, see what they see, and do it. Don’t get us caught up where at the end of the month, you gotta go take a six-man team over there and spring clean a room because we haven’t been doing it daily. Because we cut down.
To me, it’s no harder to do it when you walk by than it is to do it on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So that’s why we’ve sort of changed the method of cleaning. They did change, they took about five or six things, they took a scope of work out and tried to put them all in a Tuesday and a Thursday method. That’s not something we can do. I mean, there’s no way that would save us time.
It was the scope. We just did this recently, and you know what? It worked, we’ve had lots of compliance. It really did. I’m amazed. Now, the company did send out letters to their customers or their employees or their locations, telling them that they’re making changes. And they’ve known us for 20 years. That’s how long we’ve been doing this account. So the account knows us very well, too.
If they want special things they can ask. This is a very new property management team that took it over. They know us more than they know the property management team. If they want special things done, they can ask the property management team and see if they can get it done.
So we’re only four months into it or five months with them. Wait no, we’re eight months into it but with the changes, we’re about six months into it. So we’ll see. I don’t know. They haven’t complained at all, I’m shocked. Now they’ve made some drastic changes in the last four months where they’ve taken five-point day cleaning buildings to three days.
So we’ll see, we’ve done well, we clean them well. So hopefully our cleaning will stay and won’t interrupt that. A lot of that was caused because of COVID-19. A lot of them went home and worked some of the days. So maybe that helped.
I’ve heard that BSCAI has some of their town meetings and stuff we talked about. Yeah, that worked for a while, but a lot of them are coming back. So there again, is that going to work? That’s still yet to see.
So I think everybody’s playing with it. And will it work? Maybe. Will, it not work? Maybe. But I think we’re here to stay regardless. If they say they don’t want it, it will change. So I am thinking this is what they want to do, it’s to the best of our ability. And I think we will be here to pick up the pieces no matter what happens as long as we do what they asked. That’s what I pretty much told my supervisors, we’re going to do their scope of work, we’re gonna do like they say, we’re going to benefit from it because we’re going to do exactly what they say.
We’re also going to cut that down, cut that back, and clean to the best of our ability by cleaning smarter. And then if it has to go back to full cleaning as they want it and needed if they want it, then we will take it back to full scope. Does that make sense?
Halie 23:43
Yeah, no, it’s very interesting just because it has been such a weird situation with COVID-19.
So many more businesses especially now, people are shifting, like you said, back to the office space. People are in space so it needs to be cleaned again.
But the budgets are just as tight as when everybody was at home. So they’re like, “well, we want it clean, but we don’t want to pay for it”.
Kathy 24:07
Halie 24:08
So it’s very interesting. Now, as far as your team, when you start to do this naturally, they usually end a version to change.
So when you’re saying clean as you go, sometimes that can be like “well, that’s more work at the moment”. So what was the response from your team? Also, how did you carry people along with this new way of doing things?
Kathy 24:30
You know, I was very, very fortunate. I have three of the best supervisors in the world. James Duran, being one of them. He’s been with us 25 years, and he’s the leader of the pack.
I guess I can say his people who would bow down and kiss his feet. And I don’t know why. He has such a way of making these people just do what he asked. And I guess the biggest deal he made to them and he got his other supervisors doing the same thing is one thing. Bobby Pierce, Robert Pearson owns a company through COVID-19. And even though we had people go three days a week, and we had the building shut down for a while, they all came back. We didn’t lose one person, Bobby kept everybody employed. He did not let one person go unemployed.
He put other people in two buildings, even though we didn’t need them, he put doubled up buildings, he doubled up labor, he did not let one person go. I think that meant a lot to his staff. That’s the kind of man Bobby is and they knew that. In doing that, when James went to his people, the one thing he told them is “what we were doing, and why we were having to do it” because of what the customer was requesting.
The scope of work, they were asking us to do that this was not our doing, we didn’t want to do it, this was coming from the customer. And the only thing we are trying to do is to keep their jobs, let’s see it, we don’t want to do it, we have no choice but to do it.
That we are trying to make it the easiest way we can. By doing it smarter, it’s going to keep them from coming back and having to spend a weekend doing dust bunnies, or whatever we missed because we didn’t do them the first time. And that this is where this is a trial basis that we’re not the smartest people in the world.
But we know how good they are. That we think if we do it this way, we won’t have to come back and do a good old deep cleaning like the old days because we miss everything. And I think when he puts it to them that way, I always try to make it on their shoulders of how good they are, and is why we selected them. And that’s what he did. And he’s very good at it. And like we told them, you know, we’re trying to keep everybody’s job. And instead of cutting a whole hour out of the job or cutting, you know, half an hour and not cutting anybody and still keeping everybody in their jobs. And that’s hard when a company comes in and cuts hours. You know, when you cut, I mean, that’s 900 hours. That’s a lot of hours.
Halie 27:20
They never blame the situation. They never feel for the situation, they always feel it’s the company. It’s their boss that didn’t…
Kathy 27:29
We let them know. For just him keeping them during COVID-19. A lot of them got that. I mean, not that we’re the best people in the world. But you know, we’re not worse. Were the Mom and Pop business, we’re very little. And we had a young lady that had cancer. For eight months, she was out. We paid her for eight months. That was hard. You know Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff come around. The supervisor and all of us bought her lunch. I mean, her dinners for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I mean, we’re that kind of company.
So when we do get stuff like this, we all pitch in to try now to do the best we can with what we’re dealing with and I do think that’s why God blesses us. I do think that’s why we get where we get. Because even this deal 900 hours to cut out of a contract is a lot of hours. When we sat down and tried to do that, I really thought there was no way we’re gonna do it. But you know, we did it and we kept everybody employed.
So was it fun? No. But everybody’s employed and after we looked at it we were like- this is the nice thing about it, we’re not doing the extra things we used to do. And it seems like every day I get a call “Kathy we need this”. Okay. $250. “Kathy, we need this”. Okay. $350. “Kathy, we need Okay”. What does that tell you? Hmm, who knows where this is gonna go! We used to do it all for free.
So, things happen for a reason. When we looked at it, we took it and said maybe we’re the company that was doing things for free but needed to be the company that was doing things the way it needed to be done. You know, we’re a partnership company we’d like to get to know people and partner with them. Then go from there.
And we in that partnership said,
“Hey, do this room for us?”
“Sure we will”.
That’s not always the smartest way to do business. And I think most janitor has taught me I will tell you that. They want to go in and say okay, this will be $350 or this will be whatever and that’s what you need to do. That’s how you make your money.
This was a big company that we’ve had for 20 years and we have always kept them as a good partner and done a lot of stuff through them. And they’ve gone out to where they’ve been bought out by another company and things change. And that’s what’s happened.
So when things change, you change, and you go forth. And I think we’ve made some smart moves. There were moves that needed to be met, beat be done. I think this needed to be done. I think this will make us a better company. It’s definitely made my leaders better leaders.
So, I appreciate what BSCAI did on that. COVID-19 woke people up. Other companies mean, it’s not just them, we’ve got quite a bit of other customers. And they love the fact that 89% of our work is medical.
So my supervisors having the COVID-19 testing certificate was awesome. I appreciate the input in that test out there. That was a very, very nice feature. To have that.
Halie 31:03
It’s good to see so much positivity come out, this ability to keep up with the testing and the embracement of the situation with your supervisors and your team…that priority still set on the employee and the job that you’re doing, rather than just pushing out the work and just making the customer happy.
You’re actually looking at the full picture and it sounds like it’s so well received.
Kathy 31:29
Yeah, yeah, it is.
That’s what’s happening. We joke we laugh. None of my employees have caught COVID-19 from their job. I’ve had to catch it from their family. But none of them have caught it from their job.
So that’s a pretty good ratio. You know, here in Lubbock, where I don’t know what’s going on with COVID-19. But I live here. And every time I turn around, there’s 253, or 250. I don’t know a soul. I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve got a big family. I got a big work atmosphere, church, and I don’t know a soul that has COVID-19. So it’s sort of like who has it?
That’s how, you know, I’m one who has it. But I know.
Halie 32:20
Yeah, at first when I knew like New York and some of the bigger cities were struggling so much with it back in like that March and April timeframe.
I didn’t know anybody because everybody locked in so tight. We’re up in Toledo, it’s a little bit smaller. So it hadn’t quite reached us. But now I think my cousin and her family have had it. Our neighbors have had it. We’re starting to hear more people. And fortunately, they all like quarantine quickly, and did all the testing and went through all the steps so that when they were ready to come back it was like “Okay, everybody safe again”.
But it was interesting because at first, I didn’t know anybody. But I think it’s because we locked down so quickly and we kept it from getting close. Now it’s like well, our neighbors, their daughters in college now. And their son, he’s graduated, but he’s actually just moved.
So when they got it, like the whole family got it and they’re like, nope, we are going to stick to ourselves. They would barely come outside except for just taking the dog out. It is so crazy.
Some places like if you were in New York, it was so obvious because they were so impacted. And then other areas like ours, we saw the shutdown side, but we didn’t see as much as our hospitals were extremely underwhelmed.
Kathy 33:49
Yeah, I guess we were fortunate because, you know, we, tech is Texas Tech came back to school, and it seemed like we had 300, 400, 500, but we never saw it, you know, just the students. So we really actually never saw it.
But, you know, we do IPP spraying. So and it’s been very well, I started our electrostatic spraying in January. So I was starting to do it before COVID-19. He had, I had taught Bobby, into opening a program. And it was really pretty cool.
So I started opening the program we started spraying. Now we get calls all day long. We have a COVID-19 positive we all come in spray our building, we have a COVID-19 positive customer, people that aren’t even customers. So it’s worked out very well. We just go spray his building. Sometimes we get their cleaning business and sometimes we don’t.
Either way, we’ll go spray the building. So that has worked out really well. It’s been a nice little. It never was to replace our cleaning business ever. It was just an add on.
So it’s worked really well through these last few months especially since people have really been calling this and I don’t go out like I don’t go to schools. I don’t try to sell it. It is just a division of pm is what it is just an added division. All our customers, they’ll call us if they have a positive case.
“Hey, can y’all come in spray tonight?”
“Sure we’ll be there”.
So it’s worked very well. That was a very good add-on.
Halie 35:21
Right in time to make it. Yeah.
Kathy 35:23
So funny.
That was sort of weird because we talked about it in November.
I put it all together. Then I finally got it in January. I went over the Clorox system, and they did a recall in February and got to ship their machine back to me. I was aggravated! It was just crazy. I was like, “What timing is this?”
Working very well has kept us busy. But, as I said, I think that you got to have a positive with this, with them being so negative. The key is being positive and keeping your people positive.
I’ll live to do this till I die. This is the number one thing you can do for your company and to keep them that way. You need to have enthusiasm. I don’t think there’s anything more contagious than enthusiasm.
So regardless of what’s going on out in that world, or regardless of what’s going on in your world, if you can bring that when you go into that office, and you can electrify people with that enthusiasm, it’s contagious! They’ll forget about what’s going on anywhere else. And that’s what I try to do. That’s what I try to bring to the table.
Halie 36:35
It’s a great approach. I think this is the perfect place to wrap up, Kathy!
So I’m going to go ahead and closeout. Did you have anything else that you wanted to add before we end?
Kathy 36:46
No, but thank you very much for letting me participate. I hope it helps. I’d love to hear what other people are doing and how they’re handling COVID-19 with people wanting to budget down and what they’re doing and how they’re doing it.
Halie 37:01
Alright, thank you.
So like Kathy said, if you want to want to jump in once we have this episode live, you’re always welcome to jump on any of our pages or shoot us over a message so that we can discuss with you how you’re handling the COVID-19 budget cuts and the need for more work.
All right. So that wraps up this episode of the Business of Cleaning podcast. We’ll see you next week for our next episode. But in the meantime, please make sure that you follow and leave us a review. We’ll also put everything we just talked about up in a nice little blog post so you can read through it if you’d like.
Thank you and have a great rest of your day.