Reading, Writing, and…School Cleaning?
If you ever wondered whether school cleaning makes much difference, consider this: A room with only 11 square feet of carpet collects an average of two ounces of dust… daily! That means that small children in a daycare, nursery, or school could end up swallowing three saltine crackers’ worth of dust every day – Gross! Sure, you may not feel like your work has much impact. After all, as soon as you get it clean the kids immediately come in and mess it all up again. But understand, your role in the keeping the area clean is much more important than you think!
Back to School
When you consider potential clients to grow your business, what do you think of first? Office buildings? Medical offices? Hotels? What about government buildings? Fitness centers? Elementary schools or universities? There are virtually unlimited options available. You need only think outside the books… Many public schools do have in-house janitorial services. However, due to budget restraints or unique needs, some of them seek to outsource. To reach out to potential public schools in need of your cleaning services, connect with your local Department of Education. Private schools and universities, however, are likely to hire third-party cleaners directly. When approaching these potential clients, be prepared to produce a detailed proposal that incorporates clearly defined “apples to apples” comparison pricing options. The best way to accomplish this is to use a janitorial bidding software that provides bidding assistance software and makes use of the ISSA cleaning times standards in an easy-to-use, fill-in-the-blank format.
Make the School Cleaning Honor Roll
You and your managers have served as the teachers to your students (employees). You’ve taught them what to look for, shown how to apply solutions, expressed what is expected, and answered their questions. The real test of their learning can then only be seen in the quality of work they perform for your clients. As such, every member of your school cleaning team should receive regular report cards in the form of inspection reports. In addition to serving to keep your employees accountable for their work, inspection reports also allow you, as the owner, to keep your finger on the pulse of their performances. Through customized inspection reports, you gain valuable insights into the quality of training being provided in each area and observe each individual employee’s ability or willingness to adhere to the rules and standards that have been set. When you use a Cloud-based janitorial software, you can immediately review each report as it is submitted and respond within an effective timeframe. If you have employees who consistently earn low scores on their reports, you can intervene. If you have employees who consistently shine, you can provide them with rewards and incentives that encourage them to continue! The consistent action taken on inspection reports should serve as a means to enhance your employee retention plan.
Avoid School Cleaning Detention!
The standards that students have to abide by during the school year really aren’t that different from some of the expectations that you have for your cleaning employees. When you use a cleaning management software to help you enforce the rules, you are better able to maintain necessary order and structure:
- Be in the right place at the right time – Use customized, automated scheduling software to keep everyone on the same page at the same time for where their jobs are located and when they need to be there.
- Come fully prepared and ready to get down to business – Accurately track your inventory management to ensure your employees have the cleaning products and tools they need to handle real-time field requests and maximize the amount of time they have at each location.
- Don’t arrive after the bell rings – Smart timekeeping software requires that your employees check-in for work at specific geo-locations and accurately tracks driving time, delays, and the length of time spent at each customer’s location. This automated accuracy helps you determine whether you are meeting the requirements of your proposal, or if you need to make some adjustments.
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If you’re ready to learn more about how a cleaning management system can help you land and keep school cleaning contracts, it’s time to schedule a FREE LIVE DEMO to see Janitorial Manager software in action!