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When it comes to communicating the latest processes, keeping up to date with the news, and maintaining open lines of communication, knows what they’re doing. So we sat down with Editor-in-Chief, Corinne Zudonyi, to talk about how you can do the same for your cleaning business.

An Industry Voice

When Corinne walks into a trade show, sometimes she wishes she had donned straight blonde hair so that for one moment she can blend in with the crowds, but then she’ll be pulled into a conversation and she’ll forget that thought entirely. 

As a well-known Editor-in-Chief, Corinne Zudonyi is a familiar face to even those who don’t know her personally. From her voluminous dark curls to her infectious personality, industry professionals turn to look when she enters a room. 

Boc Blog Post Note

The reason? Corinne and the publications she works with are well-known, often the leading voice of JanSan industry news. 

Even newbies to the field turn to or one of the magazines to keep their minds sharp and their teams aware. After all, Corinne and her team reach a total of around 190,000 people across the industry.

So, if you need to find out the latest and stay informed, we know exactly where you should turn.

The Power of Communication

Imagine if Corinne and her team just pushed out content without regard to what readers and industry experts had to say. Imagine if they didn’t work together to reinforce their brand value. We can all imagine, they wouldn’t be successful like they are today.

Great communication is an acquired superpower that individuals and businesses must leverage in order to have happy customers, dedicated employees, and year after year of success. 

Communication tips to implement NOW with customers:

  • Leverage social media to share information about your services and your team.
  • Optimize your website for the customer experience, including listing all of your services, what you’re doing to fight the spread of viruses, and addressing similar public concerns. 
  • Explain WHY services cost what they do.
  • Ask to give a brief presentation to building occupants about the services you’re providing at their location and answer any questions they have.
  • Place signs in the buildings you serve for occupants that display info on handwashing best practices, where to dispose of trash, and even tips for cleaning personal spaces.
  • Share the name of the team member who cleaned each space. 

Get a professional headshot of every employee to include on their name badge and anywhere else that you may want to credit them for their work.

How To Care For Your Customers

Image Credit: Petitum Agri Institute


When you’re making changes or updates, keeping your customers in the know and explaining WHY goes a long way in maintaining their satisfaction. You may not see switching cleaning products as a big deal, but if building occupants notice the smell is different or something doesn’t appear as glossy as it used to, they are likely to complain. 

The other thing that has only become more apparent recently is that, due to changes with staffing and increased supply costs, your own service costs sometimes have to go up. Give your customers notice, an explanation, and detail the changes as they will affect the account. Being open and honest with your customers that the changes will affect makes it easier for them to understand.  

Your communication with your customers should be a two-way street, where both parties understand what is going on with the relationship at any given time. 


If you’re a reader of or one of the other publications that Corinne and her team put out, then you’re already educating yourself, but is your team? Do your customers know any of that helpful knowledge?

Looking at the stats behind hand washing alone, we can tell there’s a lot we could be doing when it comes to sharing the knowledge we have. 

When you create those open channels of communication that we mentioned above, are you sharing tips and tricks to help people improve their personal cleaning habits? Are you informing them of new information that could affect them? 

You should be. 

Don’t just assume that others have the same knowledge you do, that they read the same articles and have the same training. Sharing your knowledge not only helps you do a better job but also helps building occupants feel more confident in the cleanliness of their workspace.

Education In Sharing Your Knowledge

Image Credit:

The Faces of Clean

One of the best ways to improve customer retention is to take care of your team members. This includes providing them educational resources and opportunities, enabling their input, and celebrating their accomplishments. 

Corinne recommends recognizing team members is by showcasing their names, and maybe even their picture, in the spaces they’ve cleaned. Hotels are known for this, with little cards that say “This room was cleaned by _____,” but you can use a similar approach for the spaces your company cleans no matter your business. 

Customers are more appreciative if they know more about who is cleaning the space and what services they provided. 

On your website and in your newsletters highlight the accomplishments of your team. Not only will it make team members feel more appreciated, but it will show customers the cool things that are happening within the company. 

In Conclusions

To build a strong company brand and retain customers better, you want to establish great communication by speaking with them frequently about the services you provide and their satisfaction, sharing your knowledge, and elevating the work of your frontline workers.

About Our Guest:

Corinne Zudonyi

Corinne Zudonyi

Editor-in-Chief -

Corinne Zudonyi is the Editor-in-Chief of, Contracting Profits magazine, Facility Cleaning Decisions magazine, and Sanitary Maintenance magazine. She has nearly two decades of experience in the JanSan industry. 

Through their various media outlets, they reach 190,000 JanSan distributors, building service contractors, and in-house facility cleaning executives. 

Sanitary Maintenance is the first industry publication and goes out to the JanSan distributors. Contracting Profits magazine is written for the building service contractor – individuals who own and operate contract cleaning companies. It’s also the official publication of BSCAI – one of their partners.

Facility Cleaning Decisions is written for in-house facility cleaning executives who oversee custodial operations in commercial facilities, K12, colleges/universities, healthcare, hospitality, etc. Finally, is the online portal for all three of those publications and serves as an all-industry resource with daily news, company announcements, educational resources, and feature articles.

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