Perhaps you can’t yet afford to spend your dollars on pricey outbound marketing campaigns, like magazine ads, television commercials or billboards. But when you show up at a client’s location to pitch your services, you still need to be able to market your business, like a pro!
What do you offer that sets you apart from your competition?
What can you show your potential customers that will make them choose you over the others?
An affordable professional cleaning software can be your marketing advantage that will help provide your business with the leg-up you need to rise above your rivals and claim more clients!

Provide Peace of Mind
Contrary to what you may think, when your customers hire a company to provide cleaning services, they aren’t paying just to keep their property clean. Rather they are paying you to do it so that they don’t have to do it themselves. Their contract with you provides them with a clean facility and peace of mind that a trusted someone is taking care of that item on their to-do list so that they can focus their time and attention on other matters pertaining to their business.
Having a professional cleaning software supporting your efforts allows you to approach potential clients with the confidence to prove that you are prepared to take on that responsibility.
- A Strong First Impression
In today’s digital age, customers expect to have contractors who are up to date with technology and effective modern conveniences. If you’re still functioning on handwritten work orders or sticky note to-do lists, you’ll be bypassed by your more contemporary competition.
- Measurable Quality Assurance
You may say you’re committed to customer satisfaction, but unless your potential clients can see proof of this oft overused phrase, you’ll be out of luck. A professional cleaning software that provides customized and transparent inspection reports, however, gives your promises something customers can confidently hang their hat on.
- In-App Communication & Work Orders
One of the most frustrating components of cleaning contracts is the inability to connect with someone when necessary. If your customers have to deal with unreturned texts, misdirected emails, or your full voicemail inbox when they try to reach you with a question, tag work or work order, they will walk away. A professional cleaning software should provide your customers with a direct line of communication to you and your team in real-time. These in-app conversations should be automatically retained in the system for ease of reference, employee assignments and documentation.
- Employee Performance Evaluations
Your customers need to know that you are able to stand behind the quality of work that your staff performs. This will require that your professional cleaning software allows you (and your client, if you so choose) to review inspection report data for each employee’s performance in an automatically compiled, easy-to-read dashboard. If certain employees are not consistently performing up to snuff, the issues should be promptly addressed. Without an automated professional cleaning software, you’d be responsible for sorting through the data by hand… something that you likely don’t have the time nor inclination to do on a regular basis. However, the software’s capability to do it for you and to provide you with accurate, instant employee performance overviews supports your marketing claims of strong employee performance oversight.
- Accurate Personalized Bidding Tools
Doing manual bids – especially if you’re still fairly new in the business or you have clients with a larger campus – requires too much time. Manual bids often result in faulty guesswork that causes you to bid too low (and lose profits) or bid too high (and lose the job). Your professional cleaning software should also allow you to promote your ability to provide accurate bids for an appropriate length of time. The software should seamlessly incorporate ISSA standards that validate your estimates and intuitively include windows, flooring and surface types, room usage, and more. With Janitorial Manager’s quick and easy data entry, cleaning times can be calculated and priced with actual labor expense to ensure accuracy.
Quality Control is key. Don’t let poor quality cost you clients.
Contact Janitorial Manager today to demo the JM inspections app.
The Power of Professional Cleaning Software
As you generate new interest in your services, you will need a way to stay connected with prospects and your new clients. A professional cleaning software will allow you to send branded emails, organize your contacts, track next steps for follow-up, and more!
Strengthen your company’s competitiveness and confidently market your commercial cleaning business with cutting-edge professional cleaning software. Connect with Janitorial Manager to learn more and to request a FREE DEMO today!