Find out why your paper daily cleaning logs are a thing of the past and why it’s time to go digital.
In a time gone by, the end of a work week meant looking at your neatly stacked daily cleaning logs and seeing a little check beside each item on the list. Each task, carefully and thoughtfully completed, was marked as resolved by the people on your team. That little check inside that little box beside each item meant a job well done.
Only, the stack wasn’t actually that neat. Some of those daily cleaning logs had things marked out with messy pencil lines. Tasks were added in the margins or between the lines with different colored ink or Sharpie and often times in illegible handwriting.
In fact, the papers themselves were most likely damp with soapy water, torn from getting stuck beneath a jug of cleaner, or wrinkled from spending a shift in and out of someone’s pocket. The ink was smudged, and that “neat” stack of daily cleaning logs was something to hide before any of your clients realized how messy the cleaning business gets.
If you’re using paper for your daily cleaning logs, this may well be what your records look like even today. But they don’t have to. You can have a beautiful, stain-free collection of cleaning logs. All you need to do is go digital. And even if you don’t care about smudged ink or soapy paper, there are plenty of other reasons to move into the world of digital record keeping.
Keep track of inventory, work orders, and more with Janitorial Manager. Learn more today with a free discovery call!
Bring Your Daily Cleaning Logs Into the 21st Century
Daily cleaning logs have been on paper for decades. For a time, that worked just fine. The cleaning industry isn’t one to stand still, though. Technological advances make the work more effective, less taxing on the individuals performing the job, and result in healthier environments for customers. Things like electrostatic sprayers or floor cleaning robots were unheard of just a few years ago. Now they’re everywhere.
Your tools, supplies, and equipment are moving forward. It’s time to bring those daily cleaning logs along, too. Here are 7 reasons to go digital.
1. Better customer service. When you go digital, you can alter and update cleaning task lists on the fly. When your customer makes a request, you don’t have to track down everyone on the team to relay that information. You simply plug it into your digital list, and everyone has the new protocol.
2. Greater transparency. Your customers want to know what’s going on in their facilities. One easy way to increase transparency around this is by switching to digital daily cleaning logs that you can share with them. You can even use room-specific QR codes that customers can scan and get information such as what is on the cleaning list for a space, who did the work, and when it was completed.
3. More efficient operations. In larger facilities, it can be challenging for your team to know what tasks have or have not been completed. Doubling those efforts is both a waste of time and supplies. And when your cleaning logs are on paper, your team can also spend a lot of time trying to find their colleagues to determine what needs to be completed. With digital records, it’s just a matter of looking it up on your phone or a company kiosk.
4. More accurate. When you add, alter, or delete items on a paper checklist, they can be hard to read. Limited space, smeared ink, and messy writing can easily be misread or misunderstood. When everything is digital, however, it’s easy to read.
5. Increased understanding. One aspect that can make paper a challenge for daily cleaning logs is the language barrier. The commercial cleaning industry is diverse, and it’s not unusual to hear multiple languages on a team. That can make communication difficult. However, when you switch to a digital option like Janitorial Manager, language translation is built in. You can send a message in English, and your employee can read it in Spanish.
6. More environmentally friendly. Here’s a big reason to go digital, especially if you want to offer green cleaning services. All those daily cleaning logs either get stored in a file cabinet and eventually shredded or go straight into the recycling bin after a brief period. Either way, you can save space and paper resources by going digital.
7. Easier to duplicate. We all know how quickly printer ink runs out. And we all know how that original document likes to hide when we need to make copies. When you go digital, you can bypass that issue entirely. Make copy after copy without worrying about running out of ink or if you’re making too many.
Whether you want to be more environmentally friendly, run more efficiently, or just streamline your paper processing, going digital is the way to do it.
If you’re ready to bring your cleaning organization to the next level, take advantage of a free call with Janitorial Manager to see how our software can make your janitorial operation more successful!