
If you’re not using a cleaning inspection app like Janitorial Manager to track jobs, you could be letting your clients down.

Job site inspections are an integral part of any cleaning business. But if you’re relying on manual checklists to complete the task, you’re probably working harder than you need to. That’s why we suggest using a cleaning inspection app to simplify your life and achieve better results with less effort and fewer resources. We’re biased, of course, since we include such an app with our software. Even if you don’t use Janitorial Manager, however, there are multiple benefits to using an inspection app.

From scheduling inspections to real-time updates to software customizations, a cleaning inspection app allows you to tailor your inspections to each unique situation and easily monitor progress so your teams can spend less time reviewing their work and more time getting on to the next job.

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Cleaning Inspection App

Find out how a cleaning inspection app can improve your processes for both you and your employees.

1. Improved overall visibility

It’s difficult as a cleaning business owner to be close to job inspections without actually being present on the job site to see things yourself. With a cleaning inspection app, owners and managers gain significantly more visibility into daily inspections and inspection history—no more guessing games, no more worrying or wondering if things are going smoothly on the job. Just pop onto the app and take a look!

2. Scheduling made simple

With software like Janitorial Manager, you can easily schedule and reschedule inspections without juggling a bunch of calendars or spreadsheets. Make updates right in the app, which are then visible to anyone with access to that particular job, including the cleaning team and the client. Set reminders for check-ins and more with this convenient function that will help keep you and your team on time and on task.

3. Enjoy real-time updates

Real-time updates let you know exactly what’s going on during the inspection while it’s happening rather than minutes, hours, or even days later. This feature is also handy for helping new hires learn the ropes and ensuring that they stick to your company’s guidelines and standards.

4. Address issues before they get out of hand

Another benefit of the real-time updates you get with a cleaning inspection app is that you can immediately take corrective action. If something isn’t done correctly or if there’s an issue, real-time updates will let you know, and you can put a solution in place as soon as possible—perhaps even before the customer finds out. (Note: We don’t suggest keeping mistakes from customers, but we all know it’s a lot easier to tell them about an error if you’ve already fixed it!)

5. Use templates or customize

The best inspection apps out there not only come with inspection templates that your teams can use right off the shelf, but they also offer customization so you can tailor each inspection to a specific job. As with most things in these apps, you can customize a template in real-time so nothing is missed, ensuring attention to detail and thorough inspections.

6. Image sharing

One of the most helpful features of a cleaning inspection app is the ability to share pictures across the platform so you can see with your own eyes how things look on the job. As long as your employees have a mobile device and either wi-fi or data access, they can send you pictures during an inspection to resolve any issues or answer any questions.

7. Assign ratings

Attach a rating to each job to get a snapshot of where you’re at and where you need to be with any given client. Ratings that are considered low can be easily identified and prioritized, which will help to keep both your clients and your employees happy.

8. Data analytics

A good cleaning inspection app will give you the ability to run reports and analyze data so you can track patterns, identify issues, and create improvement plans. You can see inspection histories by client or by employee, not to mention dozens of other data points that give you great visibility and insight into the work your teams are doing.

9. Validation statistics

Another benefit of the data stored in a cleaning inspection app is that you can validate your conclusions with statistics, making it easy to have conversations with employees and clients about what’s going well and what needs to be improved. This kind of transparency will help open lines of communication, build trust, and keep things moving.

10. Improved employee management

Since each user has a unique profile, you can see who’s doing an inspection and which areas they might need to work on, enhancing your ability to conduct performance reviews and otherwise provide employee feedback. With the real-time functionality of Janitorial Manager, you can even give feedback as soon as it’s needed rather than waiting for a meeting with each employee.

11. Better training

A cleaning app also gives you tools to keep your employees up-to-date on mandatory and helpful trainings. Coach in real-time during an inspection or glean insights from each inspection to guide employees better and understand the areas in which they may benefit from further formal instruction.

12. More accountability

With manager access, you can see who’s scheduled for each job and enter notes or manipulate other data within the app. This gives employees an increased sense of accountability and ownership of projects since they know their names will be attached to the data.

13. No wi-fi, no problem

Finally, cleaning apps also empower you and your teams to stay connected and collaborate without clumsy spreadsheets and other paper files. You don’t even need wi-fi—a data connection is all that someone needs with their mobile device to use the app, making the inspection process more straightforward, more streamlined, and overall easier to complete.

With so many options available, there’s no reason to skip a commercial cleaning inspection app. Obviously, we hope you choose ours, but whatever you decide, it will almost certainly make your job more effective.

Revolutionize your commercial cleaning processes and practices with Janitorial Manager. Get your free demo today to discover how easy it can be to run your business!

