JM Forms – Issue Tracking Solutions

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Simplify Internal Support with JM Forms

JM Forms is the perfect solution to document and streamline internal requests outside of common requests like supplies. Best of all, JM Forms is an easy integration into the day-to-day workflow for both facilities and cleaning businesses.  

What’s the difference between internal and external issue tracking?


Internal Issue Tracking

Internal issue tracking is for matters that occur within an organization. Don’t be confused with the term, ‘issue’ though. That’s because unlike other issue tracking ticketing systems, JM Forms has several key features and can be used beyond issue management. For example, internally an employee may have a ripped shirt that needs replaced or they could be low on office supplies, and simply need more paper or pens. 

External Issue Tracking

External issue tracking is for matters that occur outside an organization. For franchised cleaning companies, a use case for this solution could be a change request. In this example, a customer is unhappy with their cleaning service provider and wishes to change providers. Rather than losing the business altogether, the cleaning company can submit a change request and a different business within the same franchise could add the customer to their client list. Other use cases can include: resolving a lock out situation, increase/decrease a customers billing, requests to update a customer’s billing, etc. 

3 Benefits of Using JM Forms for Internal Issue Tracking

Seamless Communication.

Text messages and emails are hard to keep track of in the shuffle of the day-to-day. Instead, an issue tracking tool like JM Forms captures all requests outside the realm if routine cleaning. 


Using JM Forms, you have a trail of documentation for all requests separate from routine cleaning and you can track issues that arise. Documentation keeps you protected and comes in handy when you need a reference point. 

Franchise Management, Streamlined.

While JM Forms can be used for any cleaning operation, it is especially beneficial when paired with franchise management software. That’s because managing multiple franchise locations can be complicated, but JM Forms simplifies the requests that are separate from day-to-day cleaning with one platform. 

Your Cleaning Operations Can Be Complicated. We Simplify It!

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