5 Ways Technology Has Revolutionized the Janitorial Industry (Part 4)

5 Ways Technology Has Revolutionized the Janitorial Industry (Part 4)

We have spent the last three weeks addressing ways that technology, specifically management software, has revolutionized the commercial cleaning industry. We have touched on how this software can establish and reinforce your initial tech-savvy image to customers, help...
200+ Unique Cleaning Business Name Ideas

200+ Unique Cleaning Business Name Ideas

Catchy cleaning service names that stick On an average day, how many businesses do you pass without noticing? Running errands, commuting to work, going out to eat—we’re always surrounded by them, but few snap us out of routines and get us interested. Naming your...
5 Ways Technology Has Revolutionized the Janitorial Industry (Part 3)

5 Ways Technology Has Revolutionized the Janitorial Industry (Part 3)

Over the last two weeks, we have discussed ways that technology has begun revolutionizing the traditional janitorial business, including new ways to present a positive first impression and tech-savvy ways to support your efforts to maintain customer loyalty. Read...
10 Marketing Strategies for Cleaning Services That Will Skyrocket Sales

10 Marketing Strategies for Cleaning Services That Will Skyrocket Sales

If sales are slacking and you want to connect with more customers, here are two handfuls of marketing strategies for cleaning services who want to lead the pack. When a business relies on the conference room being spotless for that 7am meeting, and the toilet paper...