Don’t think a commercial cleaning business needs to market itself? Think again! Here are some tips for marketing your commercial cleaning business.

A commercial cleaning business is not a type of business that typically has a strong marketing strategy. Does that mean you don’t need one? Absolutely not! It actually means that with a good marketing strategy, your cleaning business can easily stand out.

Marketing can help you in various ways; it can spread the word about your business, bring you new clients, and ultimately, increase your income. You need to acknowledge that today, people lean towards businesses that have a powerful marketing campaign. With the right marketing strategy, you can skyrocket your cleaning business.

If you are ready to step up your marketing game, here are a few useful tips you should keep in mind.

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Factor in the Location

Your target audience is key to your marketing strategy. One of the main factors that determines your target customers is location. As a commercial cleaning business, you don’t need to target a specific age group or gender, but you do need to factor in the location.

Determine which location you specifically want to target. Do you want to focus on specific neighborhoods? Possibly, target cities near your main location? Such decisions will influence your marketing campaign decisions.

The content you produce and publish will also depend on the location. For example, if you want to target a few neighborhoods you can use inside jokes or situations that are typical for people in that area.

You should also state your location in any type of online platform. This will lead people’s online searches to your commercial cleaning business.

Build Your Online Presence

People largely depend on the internet for daily decisions. That’s why it is important that you build your online presence. When someone decides to search for a commercial cleaning business near them, you want your business to show up in the search results.

First, you should have a website. A website has become somewhat of an ID for businesses. However, small businesses tend to fall behind this trend. Did you know that 46% of small businesses do not have a website? If you make one, it can be your competitive advantage.

Having a Google Business page is also useful for building an online presence. Once you set up your page and put in all the information about your business, it will be easier for Google to match you with relevant searches.

One aspect you should also pay attention to is online reviews. 55% of people will search online for reviews and recommendations before they decide on a service. Add reviews and testimonials to your website, and encourage people to leave you a review on Google. A consistent review management plan will not only help you rank higher in search engines and attract new customers but can also make you aware of some parts of your commercial cleaning business that could be improved.

Check Out the Competition

You also need to keep in mind and recognize that there is competition. When crafting your strategy, ensure that you are actively looking at what the competition is doing. This way, you won’t fall behind industry practices.

There will be some aspects of competitors’ work that are good and some that are bad. Learn from their mistakes and keep an eye on what they are doing well. You also want to avoid repetitive campaigns and make sure that your campaign isn’t similar to someone else’s.

When you recognize that there is something that singles out your competition, you might want to infuse that in your strategy to avoid giving the competitors an edge.

Explain the Advantages of Your Services

From a marketing standpoint, a cleaning business can’t present itself in terms of fanciful pictures and videos. You need to find a different way to attract people to hire you.

The way to do that is to focus on the benefits of hiring a cleaning business. When you are developing your marketing strategy, emphasize why people need your service in their lives.

The benefit can be that they will have a clean office even if they work the whole day, or they’ll have more time to spend with their family as they won’t have to worry about becoming ill from a dirty workplace. What you need to do is show people how their life will be better if they hire you.

Since you need great content to convince people, you’ll need an amazing writer to work on your campaign. Looks for reviews of professional essay writers who can turn a simple idea into captivating text.

Commercial Cleaning Business

Brand Your Business

People navigate towards credible and high-quality services. One of the characteristics of such businesses is an established brand.

Branding your business means that you have a specific message, style, tone, image, logo, and design that characterizes your business. The way you present your business will be consistent when you brand yourself.

You might think that only large businesses brand themselves, but that isn’t the case. Small businesses benefit just as much if they put some effort into branding.

Include in your marketing strategy different elements of branding. You might want to create a high-quality logo, choose the color scheme that you’ll use, decide the tone and language of content you’ll distribute, and so on.

Start a Blog

A blog can be a very powerful weapon in a marketing strategy. If you don’t already have a blog, starting one should be listed in your strategic plan. The fact that small businesses with blogs get 126% more lead growth than those without should be enough to convince you.

Write about topics that are related to your business. For example, “Why spring cleaning is important?”, “Clean home leads to better mental and physical health,” and similar. Blogging about topics that are related to cleaning will lead people who are interested in that to your website. After they are done reading the post, they will probably check out your website and learn more about your business.

Use Social Media Marketing

If you think that there is no room for a commercial cleaning business on social media, you’re wrong. Social media can help you with your marketing just as much as it helps any other business.

Considering the number of people who have social media accounts, you’ll open up an opportunity for them to find you and contact you through social media networks. When someone comes across your business on Facebook or Instagram, they might send you a direct message. This is your chance to win them over.

Post fun and entertaining images that will attract followers to your page. You can also create a fun series such as, “Meet our team!” with pictures of your team members. This will make your cleaning business more trustworthy. Showing your followers who stands behind your business will bring you closer to potential customers.

Make your posts easier to find by using hashtags and location. Adding a few relevant hashtags and location will show your posts to more users.

By applying these tips, you’ll be able to develop a strong marketing strategy. With a good marketing campaign, you can introduce your business to a wider audience and improve your business’ success. Dare to be bold and create!

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Leona Henryson

Leona Henryson

Guest Author

Leona Henryson is a marketing consultant and UX designer. She helps SMB owners improve their services and build long-term relations with customers. Leona is currently working with Trustmypaper Review helping students with their educational tasks.