These cleaning training programs can help you build a strong team of medical facility janitors who are ready for anything.
Running a commercial cleaning service that cleans medical facilities means meeting the needs of your clients while following essential regulations. This you already know, but it’s especially true in the ongoing state of the world due to COVID-19. Medical facilities everywhere have adapted their cleaning needs in an attempt to continue serving people while protecting their clients’ health at the same time. To meet their needs, your clients expect a top-notch janitorial team to deliver the promises you’re making. One way to ensure you do is to invest in healthcare facility/hospital cleaning training programs.
As you build up a consistent stream of medical facility clientele, you’re also busy building up a skilled, reliable team that follows medical janitorial best practices. Put your janitors through streamlined training to create cohesiveness among your team and to teach necessary skills and processes that will come to define your janitorial services.
Ensure your team consistently provides the results that your clients are looking for, helping to improve customer satisfaction and building a foundation of loyal medical clientele. Here are some of the top cleaning training programs you can use to train your team in medical facility cleaning, improve your services, and best serve your medical customers.
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Choose from the top cleaning training programs for your team
Some of the cleaning training programs below have been verified by the Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) to meet ISSA Training Standards in the Health Care Facilities/Hospitals category and are indicated as so.
1. OSHAcademy – FREE
OSHAcademy provides a number of multi-hour training programs and certifications for many professions, including housekeeping and janitorial teams in medical facilities. These are free, and they offer an extensive collection. While not listed on the ISSA website, many of their programs meet CEU requirements and qualify for COC recertification points by various organizations such as the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP). OSHAcademy cannot issue DOL or OSHA cards.
2. CloroxPro Educational Programs – FREE
CloroxPro puts out infection prevention webinars and courses regularly, which are free to sign up for and attend. Many of these offer CE Credits.
3. P&G Professional’s Infection Control Training Program – FREE | ISSA-Approved
P&G Professional University hosts a whole suite of cleaning training programs for building service contractors. The training videos run anywhere from five minutes to an hour, and they provide many in English and Spanish. Many videos walk through necessary cleaning and disinfecting processes for medical facilities. Use this course to train your team on the proper ways to clean medical facilities and prevent infection.
4. E-Mist E-Certification Program – $150 | ISSA-Approved
COVID-19 has changed the way medical facilities are cleaned and disinfected. It’s essential that janitorial businesses cleaning these facilities follow new protocols, assuring a safe and clean building for their clientele.
The EMist Health E-course is a certification program that teaches your team the healthcare standards and principles for preventing the spread of infection. This five-module course lasts up to 120 minutes, showcasing how effective cleaning and disinfecting are necessary to reduce pathogen transmission.
5. Diversey Hygiene Academy – Price Varies | ISSA-Approved
Diversey Hygiene Academy offers webinars and training programs online that can teach cleaning teams the best practices for cleaning medical facilities to prevent the spreading of pathogens. Subtitles are available in multiple languages so that it’s easier to train a diverse workforce.
Wrapping up
Make sure your team knows how to clean medical facilities effectively. Create consistent processes that ensure they follow important guidelines for the health, safety, and cleanliness of staff, patients, and visitors. Taking the time to train your team correctly will pay off in top-notch results and satisfied clientele.
Get a free discovery call with Janitorial Manager to see how we can help with safety procedures and so much more!