Is your janitorial staffing situation a source of stress and anxiety? Find out how to hire employees who will make your job easier.

Does the thought of making your schedule give you a headache? Do you worry that you won’t have enough people to work the jobs you have lined up? Is your janitorial staffing the weakest link in your business chain? 

You aren’t alone. The janitorial industry is infamous for high employee turnover. And when someone leaves your team, there’s a gap. Other people on your team have to pick up the slack while you’re trying to hire and train someone new. This results in burnout, which leads to even more people leaving. The cycle continues, often leaving everyone frustrated. 

This scenario may be common, but it doesn’t have to be your reality. Some of the most successful commercial cleaning companies have figured out the secrets to janitorial staffing. They have a steady schedule of people who show up on time every day, ready to work. Though it may sound like magic, there’s nothing mystical about this. Here’s how to take the headache out of your staffing. 

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Janitorial Staffing

Discover 5 ways to stop stressing and make your janitorial staffing easier than ever

Depending on what your current janitorial staffing situation is like, it could take time to turn things around. So the first step is not to get discouraged if you aren’t getting immediate results. Big changes take time. 

Another important part of finding good employees is ensuring that your business is one where people want to work. In fact, once you gain a reputation as a good employer, you’ll find that good employees are coming to you more often than not. 

You likely worked in the janitorial field before opening your business, so think back to the people you worked for. What made one company a good place to work while another company is one that you’re grateful you never have to clock into again? 

Take some time to consider this and you’ll be well on your way to making your janitorial staffing easier. For now, let’s look at some concrete ways you can attract good employees. 

1. Respect. Respect is free, and the return on your investment is priceless. Treat people with respect and they will pay you back over and over. How does that play out in janitorial work? A few examples are talking to people calmly and like adults. Ask your team how things are going and listen to the answers. Take that a step further and make positive changes if you can. 

2. Create a safe work environment. Everyone should be able to work without harassment or worry about their safety. You can’t control every environment your team enters, but you can do a lot to ensure their safety. In your business, adopt a zero-tolerance policy for things like bullying or threatening behavior. For after-hours shifts, schedule in teams of two or three if possible. You could even offer self-defense classes as one of your team trainings. 

3. Get organized. Aside from janitorial staffing issues, is your schedule in good shape? Do you have an inventory of supplies that your team needs? Is your equipment well-maintained? Do you run payroll on time? These things all play into how your employees perceive working for your company. When you’re organized and efficient, it’s easier for your team to do their work. Conversely, when you’re disorganized, it creates a frustrating environment in which to work. 

The three janitorial staffing solutions above are all free, or at least low cost. But if you’re truly serious about bringing in good employees, there are some additional actions you can take that involve financial resources. 

4. Increase wages. Along with high turnover, the janitorial industry is also known for low wages. That doesn’t give good employees a lot of incentive to stay with you. It may take some time, and it won’t be easy at first, but increasing wages is an effective way to lower your turnover and attract high-quality employees. 

5. Offer benefits. If you want to stand out as a community-minded business and employer, look into offering benefits like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement benefits. These are such rare offerings in service-oriented work that you’re guaranteed to have better employee retention. 

Where to find employees

Even with all the steps above, you still may need to put in some legwork to find employees. You may already have ads on job sites or in your local newspaper. That’s certainly a good start, but those aren’t the only places to find people. Expand your search and you might be surprised at who you find.

Ask current employees. If you already have a few good employees on staff, ask them to recommend someone. You could even sweeten the pot by offering a bonus to anyone who refers a new employee who stays with the company for 60 days. 

Your social media. Post on your social media platforms that you’re looking for help. Describe the job, the pay, any benefits, working hours, and any other relevant details. Even with a moderate following, your message can easily get to a broader audience through sharing and messaging. 

Your staffing doesn’t need to be stressful. A few small changes (and possibly a few big ones) can make you the employer that people look for. 

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