Change your outlook on your work with window cleaning advertising ideas that sparkle and shine.

There’s more to a window than meets the eye. Windows are a symbol for writers, an idea for philosophers, and a design element for architects. They are something you look through. They let sunlight in, and they keep wind and rain out. And they get really, really dirty. Of course, window washing companies make a big deal of this. Their most popular window cleaning advertising ideas are often centered on a frustrated homeowner who can’t reach a top floor window to clean it, or they show drastic before and after images. There’s not anything wrong with either of those ideas. It is, in fact, very frustrating to try and clean windows that are out of your reach without the right tools. And a filthy window pictured side by side with a clean window can genuinely highlight the difference a good building services contractor can make in keeping grounds and properties beautiful.

But if those are the only window cleaning advertising ideas you’re putting on your Instagram page, you’re going to get overlooked. As a highly visual platform, Instagram is known for its flashy photos, fun stories, and cute animals. If you’re using the same images as every other contractor that offers window cleaning, plan now to get lost in the noise.

Here’s the good news, though. Because so many of these companies use similar images, along with equally generic captions, a little creativity and verve can take you far. Here are some ideas to get you going.

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10 window cleaning ad ideas for Instagram (that you can do for free)

1. Spot the cat game

The internet loves a game. And the internet loves cats. Combine them with an “advertisement” for your services, and you have a hit! This is a fun variation on the before/after approach, but it’s much more engaging.

  • Find an especially dirty window.
  • Place some treats on the inside windowsill and show them to your cat.
  • Take a picture from outside.
  • Post the picture and ask your audience to find the cat.
  • Repeat the process once the window is clean, and see how many people got the right answer. (Caveat: This does require a somewhat cooperative cat, so good luck!)

2. Don’t be afraid of cute

Let’s face it; everyone scrolling through Instagram is a sucker for cute animals. In this shot, Window Fresh took advantage of being in the right place at the right time.

Ad Ideas

3. Post your reviews

Word of mouth is one of the best window cleaning advertising ideas around, so why not post those reviews? This one is an especially interesting review, as apparently, A Ward Window Cleaning doesn’t just clean your windows, they also use bubbles. Not that you don’t, but it is an eye-catching word. Take advantage of it!

Posted Reviews

4. Show off your graphics

Speaking of eye-catching, take a look at this cool graphic from GDC Cleaning! That’s certainly colorful and interesting enough to stop someone as they’re scrolling through posts. They also did an excellent job here of using a font that matches the graphics, and they kept the text nice and straightforward.

Window Cleaning Advertising Ideas

5. Go for laughs

Funny is always good. #DadJokes are popular. Bloopers have been popular for decades. Just make sure to save anything potentially controversial for another forum. You don’t want to scare away business. A good rule of thumb here is that if you aren’t sure whether or not your post will offend someone, it’s best not to post it. Here’s a good example from Gabe’s Spotless Window Cleaning.

Window Cleaning Advertising Ideas

6. Got a cool view?

If you do work at high altitudes, you might get some pretty unique views of the world. Here’s a fun shot from Clean Services Northwest from the roof of a high rise in Portland, Oregon.

Ads For Window Cleaners

7. Post funny pictures

You simply can’t go wrong with a picture of an otter licking a window clean. This one from the Red Robin Company falls somewhere between cute and funny. Or it combines cute and funny. Either way, it’s good for a laugh, and it draws attention.

Adorable Ad

8. Make your own pop culture references

Fads come and go, but the really big ones stick around for a while, and even when they fade away, people remember them. In this case, Baby Yoda is the pop culture reference. And the wash and reach system is the reference to window cleaning. Advertising ideas like this, from See Through Window Cleaners, show that you enjoy having a little fun can be useful when you’re trying to attract new business.

Baby Yoda Window Cleaning

9. Get artsy

Don’t be afraid to show off your art photography. Manpower Unlimited took advantage of natural light and some “funky glass” to get this fantastic shot. This is just one of many fun shots they’ve posted. Look through their page for inspiration and window cleaning advertising ideas of your own.

Clean Windows

10. Don’t give up

This is an idea you’ve probably heard, but it bears repetition. Don’t give up. Social media advertising isn’t advertising in the real sense. It’s more like building relationships and letting people learn about you and what you do. And that takes time. There’s no way around that. You can’t post one cool picture or a funny video and expect business to ramp up just like that. Take time to comment on posts from complementary companies. “Like” your competition’s post when they win an award or hit a milestone.

Many of these ideas can work well beyond Instagram. Nor should you limit yourself to what’s here. Explore your own ideas. Try things out and see what works (and what doesn’t). You may not have the eye for artistic shots, but maybe you are great at narrating short videos.

The nice thing is that posting on Instagram only costs a little bit of time. And free advertising is almost always good!

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