The Business of Cleaning
A cleaning industry podcast focused on helping connect you to other professionals in the industry as well as provide educational recourses for you to better manage your cleaning operations.
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Meet The Host:

Tim Clagg
Podcast Host
Recent Episodes
Future Horizons: Dave Thompson on the Metaverse and Industry Advancements
Episode Summary Since 1971, Dave Thompson has been a part of the commercial cleaning industry. Over his 50+ year career, he has witnessed numerous changes and advancements. Starting as a frontline worker, he moved into sales and eventually...
From Friends to Business Partners: Conquering Stereotypes in Commercial Cleaning
Episode Summary In 2016, Ellissa Figueroa and Ana Chicas McNamara decided to start their own cleaning business despite only knowing each other for six months. Join us as we look at their journey in the cleaning industry, from humbling...
Community Involvement: How Cleaning Companies Can Drive Social Change
Introduction Jason Davis found himself trapped in the monotonous routine of his dream job in banking, enduring the daily grind of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. The toll of this predictable work schedule eventually convinced him that it wasn't the right...